WCAG 2.x Backlog Task Force of the AG WG
Announcements and Meetings
No announcements at the moment.
The WCAG2 TF is a Task Force of the AG WG, which has oversight over the Task Force to ensure accurate interpretation and representation of WCAG 2.x. The AG WG decision process applies within the group. We have an AG WG co-chair liaison to ensure draft content is taken to the AG WG for review as it progresses.
The WCAG 2 TF has developed a workflow process for both creating and vetting pull requests and creating responses to issues. The process also includes a two-week review of all changes by the AG WG.
The communications of the WCAG 2 Task Force are publicly visible. Communication mechanisms include:
- Publicly archived mailing list;
- Public GitHub and Wiki spaces;
- Public minutes (on the wiki and email list);
- Regular updates to the AGWG via the AGWG email list;
To join this WCAG 2 Task Force, individuals must be participants of AG WG. Participants are expected to actively contribute to the work of the task force, including:
- Minimum 4 hours per week of task force work (this time also counts towards the individual’s participation requirement in the AG WG);
- Remain current on the task force mailing list and respond in a timely manner to postings;
- Participate regularly in task force meetings.
If you are interested in becoming a participant of the WCAG 2 Task Force or have any questions regarding its work, contact the task force facilitators.
The AG Working Group chair liaison oversees attention to W3C Process with respect to the chartered requirements of the Working Group. The Facilitators set agenda, lead meetings, determine consensus, and are the primary reporters of progress to the Working Group.
Facilitators: Bruce Bailey, US Access Board; Michael Gower, IBM Corporation
AG WG chair liaison: Alastair Campbell, Nomensa